Tomas Bata University in Zlín

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Repository of Publications from TBU

Due to the growing need to present the results of science and research carried out at our University, the TBU Library came up with a project aimed to develop an institutional repository. The repository is available at the address:

Go to the Repository

Aims of the repository

  • Provide an updated bibliography of articles in reviewed journals and of contributions in conference proceedings
  • Present the publication activities of TBU to the general public and to the academic community
  • Self-archive the texts published for the needs of authors and of the University
  • Continuously obtain full-texts of these publications for access provision and archiving purposes
  • Support science and research at TBU
  • Support open access to scientific information (Open Access)

The repository includes only assessed results of scientific research carried out at TBU — journal articles and contributions in conference proceedings. Currently, the first aim has been fulfilled and, in future, the relevant activities will be continued by the Library staff. At the same time, we started our work aimed to achieve the third aim, which requires collaboration from the authors. We hope that the authors will understand the importance of archiving their articles and provide the full texts of their articles, thus gaining the opportunity to present the results of their work.

Repository of TBU publications is part of the international repository networks and its contents is indexed by BASEROAR a OpenDOAR, so the outputs of TBU science and research are available to the wider scientific community. The repository thus actively contributes to their visibility and higer citation rate.

If you need help, don’t hesitate to ask our staff:

Repository of Publications from TBU

Tel: +420 576 034 817

Faculties and departments
