I Want to Find a Book (orientation in library collections)
There are over 148,000 books available in the Library. To find a book on the shelf it is necessary to find out its availability, location and call number. You can get this information from the electronic catalog. You can also have a library catalogue and a reader’s account on your mobile — just open katalog.k.utb.cz in your favorite browser.
The open shelf collection of books and textbooks (textbooks are on th furthest shelves on the left side) is situated on the 2nd floor. You can borrow these documents usually for 30 days. The study room is located on the 3rd floor.
How to find a book?
Fill in the word or phrase into the search field. Click on „Find”. For each record, there is the availability icon (green = some items are available in the library, red = all items are checked out). If you want to borrow the book, the Item status must be green and 30 days, Open access collection.
Find a record of the specific book. If you want to borrow the book or use it for in-house use only, the availability icon must be green. Click on the book title or the availability icon to find out where the book is available and where to find it.
What will you find in the record detail?
There is information about item status, options for borrowing documents and about the location of the document.
Glossary of terms
- Button “RECALL THIS” — you can reserve a book, only if all books with a lending period for 30 days are borrowed. You cannot reserve books with orange label “On-site loan” or journals.
- For 30 days — you can borrow this copy for 30 days (each item can be renewed twice, but renewal is not possible if the item is reserved by another reader)
- For 30 days – depository — books are stored in the depository (archive); in order to borrow them it is necessary to place and order in the catalogue (all documents will be delivered within 15 minutes on all working days until 16.00.)
- For 30 days, checked out until — a books is lent and currently unavailable; the date of the expected return is displayed
- E-books loan — to process your request, click on the “PLACE A HOLD” button
- In-house loan — books for in-house use only (to be used only within the study room), they are not available for loans
- In-house loan – depository — books are stored in the depository (archive) and they are to be used only within the reading room; in order to borrow them it is necessary to place and order in the catalogue (all documents will be delivered within 15 minutes on all working days until 16.00.)
- Long-term loan — copies for TBU employees borrowed on a long-term basis (see location); can be borrowed to other Library users with those conditions
- Specific loan — copies located in a faculty libraries; cannot be borrowed or reserved
- Loan prohibited — non-accessible Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral theses, cannot be borrowed or consulted on-site
- In process — the item is being processed, please check the availability of the item by e-mail knihovna@utb.cz
The book is available — what now?
If the book is available in the library, remember its call number. You can click on the „Map It” icon. You will get a map that will show the exact location where the book is on the floor. Find the shelf with the call number you’re looking for.
Books are arranged by call number 0–9 and S0–9 (textbooks begins with “S” letter and they are arranged separately). Books with the same call number are arranged alphabetically by the author’s last name or by the first word of the title.
The list of call numbers in the English language can be found on the sides of the shelves (the name of the field that corresponds to the call number is always next to the call number). This will help you with the orientation. The beginning of each call number is marked directly on the bookshelf on a particular shelf. Call numbers of books are yellow, call numbers of textbooks are blue.
Problem with locating the book on shelf?
The book may be misplaced under a different call number; search nearby shelves. The book may be covered by other books and is not visible. The book has just been returned and is available at the desk. Or the book is on the book cart next to shelves.
Want to borrow a book?
When borrowing for the first time, you must have your card unlocked at the circulation desk on the 2nd floor. You can borrow or reserve books at the circulation desk on the 2nd floor. You can borrow, renew your loans and pay your overdue fines via self-service machine. You can find number of items, due dates, reservations, overdue items and fines here.